This shows all the various perks angry earth items will have a chance to get when being dropped by those type of monsters.
Chance 100%
- Ancient Bane I
- 55%
- 55%
- Ancient Bane II
- 30%
- 30%
- Ancient Bane III
- 15%
- Ancient Ward I
- 55%
- Ancient Ward II
- 30%
- Ancient Ward III
- 15%
- Electrified I
- 55%
- Electrified II
- 30%
- 30%
- Electrified III
- 15%
- Lightning Ward I
- 55%
- Lightning Ward II
- 30%
- Lightning Ward III
- 15%
For items tagged with "angry earth perks 2" the following perk bundle also will have a chance to show up.
Chance 50%
- Global Perks