Landmarks / Point of Interest
- Snaggletooth Burrow
- Elite Sierra Lion
- Level 28
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Elite Sierra Lion
- Castaway's Colony / Deadman's Hideaway
- Half-Eaten Flailer
- Level 27
- Half-Eaten Flailer
- Flatfish Fishery
- Marshjaw
- Level 29
- Half-Eaten Flailer
- Level 27
- Swampy Atrocity
- Level 28
- Streaked Alligator
- Level 30
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Quagmire Banshee
- Level 28
- Marshjaw
- Brighteye Den
- Elite Sierra Lion
- Level 28
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Elite Sierra Lion
- Spiti Ruins
- Mossbone Defender
- Level 25
- Mossbone Archer
- Level 26
- Mossbone Avenger
- Level 27
- Mossbone Defender
- Highpass Mining Camp
- Lushhills Smuggler
- Level 27
- Lushhills Prospector
- Level 26
- Lushhills Bodyguard
- Level 28
- Lushhills Smuggler
- Highpass Cavern
- Lushhills Smuggler
- Level 27
- Lushhills Prospector
- Level 26
- Lushhills Bodyguard
- Level 28
- Lushhills Smuggler
- Hidden Paw / Rothoard Hollow
- Rothoard Quatermaster
- Level 36
- Rothoard Mariner
- Level 33
- Rothoard Grenadier
- Level 35
- Rothoard Sailer
- Level 34
- Rothoard Deckhand
- Level 34
- Rothoard Quatermaster
- Yafda Steps
- Mossbone Scout
- Level 32
- Mossbone Enforcer
- Level 31
- Mossbone Defender
- Level 29
- Mossbone Scout
- Gefyra Bridge
- Mossbone Archer
- Level 26
- Mossbone Avenger
- Level 27
- Mossbone Defender
- Level 25
- Mossbone Archer
- Malocchio
- Mossbone Avenger
- Level 27
- Mossbone Defender
- Level 25
- Mossbone Archer
- Level 26
- Taskmaster Holm
- Level 30
- Can be found top of tower
- Mossbone Avenger
- Pullpatch Cover
- Grubby Rebels Grenadier
- Level 32
- Grubby Rebels Planksplitter
- Level 35
- Grubby Rebels Sentry
- Level 34
- Grubby Rebels Berserker
- Level 34
- Grubby Rebels Pistoleer
- Level 33
- Grubby Rebels Bomber
- Level 33
- Grubby Rebels Grenadier
- Stone Skull Fort
- Elite Turncoat Pistoleer
- Level 34
- Elite Turncoat Berserker
- Level 35
- Elite Turncoat Sentry
- Level 35
- Goldstein The Hypocrite
- Level 36
- Elite Boss Skull
- Grubby Rebels Berserker
- Level 34
- Grubby Rebels Bomber
- Level 33
- Grubby Rebels Sentry
- Level 34
- Grubby Rebels Pistoleer
- Level 33
- Elite Turncoat Pistoleer
- Clearmon's Doubt
- Grubby Rebels Berserker
- Level 34
- Grubby Rebels Sentry
- Level 34
- Grubby Rebels Grenadier
- Level 32
- Grubby Rebels Pistoleer
- Level 33
- Grubby Rebels Planksplitter
- Level 35
- Grubby Rebels Berserker
- Festering Fishery
- Grubby Rebels Sentry
- Level 34
- Grubby Rebels Planksplitter
- Level 35
- Grubby Rebels Pistoleer
- Level 33
- Grubby Rebels Grenadier
- Level 32
- Grubby Rebels Berserker
- Level 34
- Grubby Rebels Sentry
- Salty Snail Fishery
- Rothoard Sailor
- Level 34
- Rothoard Mariner
- Level 33
- Snapped Sorrowgeist
- Level 33
- Rothoard Quartermaster
- Level 36
- Rothoard Deckhand
- Level 34
- Rothoard Sailor
- Pond Scum Fort
- Rothoard Deckhand
- Level 34
- Rothoard Sailor
- Level 34
- Rothoard Grenadier
- Level 35
- Rothoard Quartermaster
- Level 36
- Rothoard Mariner
- Level 33
- Snapped Sorrowgeist
- Level 33
- Document - Tales of Cutlass Keys
- Wynn's Diary
- The Stranger - Page 4
- Stranded - Page 2
- Wynn's Diary
- Rothoard Deckhand
- Fishbone Village
- Rothoard Quartermaster
- Level 36
- Rothoard Grenadier
- Level 35
- Rothoard Sailor
- Level 34
- Rothoard Deckhand
- Level 34
- Snapped Sorrowgeist
- Level 33
- Rothoard Quartermaster
- Unbounded Island
- Waterlogged Spirit
- Level 31
- Thunderous Phantom
- Level 32
- Benjamin The Unbound
- Level 34
- Elite Boss Skull
- Waterlogged Spirit
- Lightning Fields
- Rothoard Mariner
- Level 33
- Rothoard Sailor
- Level 34
- Thunderous Phantom
- Level 32
- Waterlogged Spirit
- Level 31
- Lushhunt Butcher
- Level 32
- Lushhunt Skinner
- Level 33
- Rothoard Mariner
- Ticking Waterway
- Waterlogged Spirit
- Level 31
- Rothoard Sailor
- Level 34
- Rothoard Mariner
- Level 33
- Waterlogged Spirit
- Rusty Spoon Camp
- Lushhunt Skinner
- Level 33
- Lushhunt Poacher
- Level 34
- Lushhunt Pointer
- Level 31
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Lushhunt Butcher
- Level 32
- Lushhunt Skinner
- Fort Ramos
- Lushhunt Skinner
- Level 33
- Lushhunt Poacher
- Level 34
- Lushhunt Pointer
- Level 31
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Lushhunt Butcher
- Level 32
- Lushhunt Skinner
- Cave of Tithing
Ores / Mining
Custom map filters showing only iron, silver, oil, gold, starmetal, lodestone, platinum.
- Iron
- Marked on map with this color:
- Low chance to get the following:
- Flawed Gems and higher tier types
- Fae Iron
- Sliver, Chunk, Shard of Cobalt, Crystal
- Small Quartz Crystal
- Flawed Gems and higher tier types
- Silver
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 10, Tracked at 35
- Low chance to get the following:
- Gems
- Small Quartz Crystal
- Seeping Stone / Oil
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 20, Tracked at 45
- Gold
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 45, Tracked at 70
- Low chance to get the following:
- Gems, Brilliant / Pristine Gems
- Small Quartz Crystal
- Starmetal
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 100, Tracked at 125
- Low chance to get the following:
- Gems
- Sliver, Chunk, Shard of Cobalt, Crystal
- Small Quartz Crystal
- Lodestone
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 105, Tracked at 155
- Low chance to get the following:
- Shard of Adamant, Adderstone
- Shard of Adamant, Adderstone
- Platinum
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 110, Tracked at 135
- Low chance to get the following:
- Brilliant, Pristine Gems
- Small Quartz Crystal
Alchemy Stones - can be mined at 50, tracked at 75.
Custom map filters showing only shockspire, blightcrag, earthcrag, scorchstone, lifejewel, soulspire, springstone.
- Shockspire
- Marked on map as A with a pink outer glow
- Yields
- Air Mote
- Air Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Shocking Lodestone
- Sliver, Shard, Chunk of Thunderstone
- Marked on map as A with a pink outer glow
- Blightcrag
- Marked on map as D with a pink outer glow
- Yields
- Death Mote
- Death Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Putrid Lodestone
- Earthcrag
- Marked on map as E with a light green outer glow
- Yields
- Earth Mote
- Earth Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Loamy Lodestone
- Marked on map as E with a light green outer glow
- Scorchstone
- Marked on map as F with a purple outer glow
- Yields
- Fire Mote
- Fire Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Molten Lodestone
- Sliver, Shard, Chunk of Niter
- Marked on map as F with a purple outer glow
- Lifejewel
- Marked on map as L with a purple outer glow
- Yields
- Life Mote
- Life Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Gleaming Lodestone
- Soulspire
- Marked on map as S with a purple outer glow
- Yields
- Soul Mote
- Soul Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Crystalline Lodestone
- Springstone
- Marked on map as W with a light green outer glow
- Yields
- Water Mote
- Water Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Freezing Lodestone
- Marked on map as W with a light green outer glow
Wood / Logging
Custom map filters showing only ironwood, wyrdwood.
- Ironwood
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 175, Tracked at 200
- Low chance to get the following:
- Softwood Tree Sap
- Shard, Draught of Ironwood Sap
- Wildwood
- Barbvine
- Wyrdwood
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 100, Tracked at 125
- Low chance to get the following:
- Softwood Tree Sap
- Drop, Vial of Wyrdwood Sap
- Sliver, Shard, Chunk of Wyrdwood Resin
- Whisperwood
- Quillbark
Plants / Harvesting
Custom map filters showing only hemp, herbs, silkweed, wirefiber.
- Hemp
- Marked on map with this color:
- Yields
- Fibers
- Fibers
- Low chance to get the following:
- Dead Dryad Vine
- Drop of Azalea Nectar
- Shadecloth
- Phasefiber
- Verbena Stem, Leaf, Flower
- Herbs
- Marked on map with this color:
- Yields
- Hyssop
- Hyssop
- Low chance to get the following:
- Cinnamon
- Parsley
- Peppercorn
- Silkweed
- Marked on map with this color:
- Yields
- Silk Threads
- Silk Threads
- Low chance to get the following:
- Dead Dryad Vine
- Vial of Azalea Nectar
- Verbena Stem, Leaf, Flower
- Glintstrands
- Scalecord
- Wirefiber
- Marked on map with this color:
- Yields
- Wirefiber
- Wirefiber
- Low chance to get the following:
- Dead Dryad Vine
- Draught of Azalea Nectar
- Verbena Stem, Leaf, Flower
- Blisterweave
- Scalecloth
- Marked on map with this color:
Custom map filters showing only berry, blueberry, cranberries, squash, turkey nest.
- Berry
- Marked on map as R
- Blueberry
- Marked on map as B
- Cranberries
- Marked on map as U
- Squash
- Marked on map as Q
- Turkey Nest
- Marked on map as I
- Yields
- Feathers
- Egg
Custom map filters showing only saltpeter.
- Saltpeter
- Marked on map with this color
Magical Plants - gatherable at 30, tracked at 45.
Custom map filters showing only shockbulb, blightroot, earthspine, dragonglory, lifebloom, soulsprout.
- Shockbulb
- Marked on map as A
- Yields
- Air Mote
- Air Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Shockbulb Steam
- Shockbulb Leaf
- Shockbulb Flower
- Shockbulb Steam
- Blightroot
- Marked on map as D
- Yields
- Death Mote
- Death Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Blightroot Stem
- Blightroot Leaf
- Blightroot Flower
- Blightroot Stem
- Earthspine
- Marked on map as E
- Yields
- Earth Mote
- Earth Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Earthspine Stem
- Earthspine Leaf
- Earthspine Flower
- Sliver, Shard, Chunk of Enchanted Earth
- Earthspine Stem
- Dragonglory
- Marked on map as F
- Yields
- Fire Mote
- Fire Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Dragonglory Stem
- Dragonglory Leaf
- Dragonglory Flower
- Dragonglory Stem
- Lifebloom
- Marked on map as L
- Yields
- Life Mote
- Life Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Lifebloom Stem
- Lifebloom Leaf
- Lifebloom Flower
- Lifebloom Stem
- Soulsprout
- Marked on map as S
- Yields
- Soul Mote
- Soul Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Soulsprout Stem
- Soulsprout Leaf
- Soulsprout Flower
Magical Creatures - tracked at 175.
- N/A
Dyes - marked on the map as X
- Yellow Prismabloom
- Can only be found in Cutlass Keys in many different areas, we will be adding markers on this in the future.
- Tendrilspine
- Can be found many different areas in Cutlass Keys, we will be adding markers on this in the future.
Wild Life - can be found around landmarks, and in the plain biome areas
- Sierra Wildcat
- Level 26
- Harvest-able for rawhide
- Sierra Bison
- Level 27
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Sierra Fowl
- Harvest-able for eggs, poultry and feathers
- Island Hog
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Island Leopard
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Tropical Boar
- Harvest-able for thick hide?, rawhide and red meat
- Some can be found near #15 to the NW
- Streaked Alligator
- Level 30
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
Provisions can be found in this territory for cooking include the following:
- Milk
- Onion
- Orange
- Tomato
Really no sheep?