Landmarks / Point of Interest
- Azoth Tree
- Terra Wolf
- Level 30
- Dryad Fighter
- Level 30
- Dryad Elementalist
- Level 32
- Dryad Bowyer
- Level 31
- Terra Wolf
- Postrekhin
- Terra Wolf
- Level 30
- Dryad Fighter
- Level 30
- Dryad Bowyer
- Level 31
- Terra Wolf
- Lush Hideaway
- Dryad Shaman
- Level 58
- Terra Wolf
- Level 30
- Dryad Fighter
- Level 30
- Dryad Bowyer
- Level 31
- Dryad Shaman
- Verdant Cavern
- Dryad Fighter
- Level 30
- Terra Wolf
- Level 30
- Dryad Bowyer
- Level 31
- Dryad Elementalist
- Level 32
- Dryad Fighter
- Kristofer's Resting Place
- Wrath
- Level 26
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 27
- Black Wolf
- Level 25
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Wrath
- Sinanovic Farm
- Wrath
- Level 26
- Bloated Corpse
- Level 27
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 33
- Black Wolf
- Level 25
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Wrath
- Twineborough
- Wrath
- Level 26
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 27
- Black Wolf
- Level 25
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Wrath
- Beets Bog
- Undead Hunter
- Level 34
- Undead Hunter
- Isle de Verfaillie
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 33
- Skull / Elite
- Hungry Ghost
- Level 33
- Skull / Elite
- Decrepit Worker
- Level 32
- Undead Gravedigger
- Walsham, Walsham's Field, The Walsh Congregation, Marcel's Hamlet
- Black Wolf
- Level 25, 32
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 25, 33
Decrepit Worker
- Level 34
- Undead Hunter
- Level 30
- Black Wolf
- Holm's Anguish
- Decrepit Worker
- Level 32
- Wrath
- Level 26
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 33
- Black Wolf
- Level 32
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Decrepit Worker
- Shervey's Lumbermill
- Corrupted Lumberer
- Level 28
- Corrupted Laborer
- Level 33
- Corrupted Trapper
- Level 35
- Corrupted Hash Slinger
- Level 28
- Corrupted Lumberer
- Corlew's Mine
- Corrupted Leatherworker
- Level 33
- Corrupted Slop Maker
- Level 33
- Corrupted Axe Tosser
- Level 33
- Corrupted Prospector
- Level 43
- Elite Svikin Duel Master
- Level 35
- Corrupted Rock Smasher
- Level 32
- Corrupted Warrior
- Level 50
- Corrupted Leatherworker
- Orphan Cave
- Bronze Bear
- Level 40
- Harvest-able for thick hide and red meat
- Bronze Bear
- Bear Lake
- Onyx Bear
- Level 38
- Harvest-able for thick hide and red meat
- Onyx Bear
- Staudt Shallows
- Undead Hunter
- Level 31
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 32
- Decaying Worker
- Level 31
- Wraith
- Level 26
- Wolf
- Level 30
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Black Wolf
- Level 32
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Undead Hunter
- Shields Hallows
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 32
- Wraith
- Level 26
- Undead Gravedigger
- Ballard's Manor / Dromgoole
- Undead Hunter
- Level 31
- Wraith
- Level 26
- Decaying Worker
- Level 31
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 32
- Black Wolf
- Level 32
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Undead Hunter
- Roots of Pain
- Wraith
- Level 26
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 30
- Wolf
- Level 28
- Curse of The Eldritch
- Level 31
- Wraith
- Chancellor's Torment
- Wraith
- Level 26
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 27
- Wraith
- Sleepy Sarmad
- Black Wolf
- Level 25
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Wraith
- Level 26
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 27
- Black Wolf
- Cathedral de Vasquez
- Black Wolf
- Level 25
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Wraith
- Level 26
- Undead Gravedigger
- Level 27
- Inquisitor Lucia
- Level 28
- Undead Hunter
- Level 31
- Black Wolf
- Wraithburg
- Brackwater Village
- The Iron Fields
- Reida's Burrow
- Fort Alazar
- Gren's Place
- Eldritchton
- Green Defile
Ores / Mining
Custom map filters showing only Iron, Silver, Gold, Starmetal, Lodestone, Platinum.
- Marked on map with this color:
- Low chance to get the following:
- Flawed Gems and higher tier types
- Fae Iron
- Sliver, Chunk, Shard of Cobalt, Crystal
- Small Quartz Crystal
- Flawed Gems and higher tier types
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 10, Tracked at 35
- Low chance to get the following:
- Gems
- Small Quartz Crystal
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 45, Tracked at 70
- Low chance to get the following:
- Gems, Brilliant / Pristine Gems
- Small Quartz Crystal
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 100, Tracked at 125
- Low chance to get the following:
- Gems
- Sliver, Chunk, Shard of Cobalt, Crystal
- Small Quartz Crystal
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 105, Tracked at 155
- Low chance to get the following:
- Shard of Adamant, Adderstone
- Shard of Adamant, Adderstone
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 110, Tracked at 135
- Low chance to get the following:
- Brilliant, Pristine Gems
- Small Quartz Crystal
Alchemy Stones - can be mined at 50, tracked at 75.
Custom map filters showing only Shockspire, Blightcrag, Earthcrag, Scorchstore, Lifejewel, Soulspire, Springstone.
- Shockspire
- Marked on map as A with a pink outer glow
- Yields
- Air Mote
- Air Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Shocking Lodestone
- Sliver, Shard, Chunk of Thunderstone
- Marked on map as A with a pink outer glow
- Blightcrag
- Marked on map as D with a pink outer glow
- Yields
- Death Mote
- Death Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Putrid Lodestone
- Earthcrag
- Marked on map as E with a light green outer glow
- Yields
- Earth Mote
- Earth Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Loamy Lodestone
- Marked on map as E with a light green outer glow
- Scorchstone
- Marked on map as F with a purple outer glow
- Yields
- Fire Mote
- Fire Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Molten Lodestone
- Sliver, Shard, Chunk of Niter
- Marked on map as F with a purple outer glow
- Lifejewel
- Marked on map as L with a purple outer glow
- Yields
- Life Mote
- Life Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Gleaming Lodestone
- Soulspire
- Marked on map as S with a purple outer glow
- Yields
- Soul Mote
- Soul Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Crystalline Lodestone
- Springstone
- Marked on map as W with a light green outer glow
- Yields
- Water Mote
- Water Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Freezing Lodestone
- Marked on map as W with a light green outer glow
Wood / Logging
Custom map filters showing only Ironwood or Wyrdwood.
- Ironwood
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 175, Tracked at 200
- Low chance to get the following:
- Softwood Tree Sap
- Shard, Draught of Ironwood Sap
- Wildwood
- Barbvine
- Wyrdwood
- Marked on map with this color:
- Gatherable at 100, Tracked at 125
- Low chance to get the following:
- Softwood Tree Sap
- Drop, Vial of Wyrdwood Sap
- Sliver, Shard, Chunk of Wyrdwood Resin
- Whisperwood
- Quillbark
Plants / Harvesting
Custom map filters showing only Hemp, Herbs, Silkweed, Wirefiber, Azoth Spring.
- Hemp
- Marked on map with this color:
- Yields
- Fibers
- Fibers
- Low chance to get the following:
- Dead Dryad Vine
- Drop of Azalea Nectar
- Shadecloth
- Phasefiber
- Verbena Stem, Leaf, Flower
- Herbs
- Marked on map with this color:
- Yields
- Hyssop
- Hyssop
- Low chance to get the following:
- Basil
- Paprika
- Saffron
- Sage
- Tarragon
- Silkweed
- Marked on map with this color:
- Yields
- Silk Threads
- Silk Threads
- Low chance to get the following:
- Dead Dryad Vine
- Vial of Azalea Nectar
- Verbena Stem, Leaf, Flower
- Glintstrands
- Scalecord
- Wirefiber
- Marked on map with this color:
- Yields
- Wirefiber
- Wirefiber
- Low chance to get the following:
- Dead Dryad Vine
- Draught of Azalea Nectar
- Verbena Stem, Leaf, Flower
- Blisterweave
- Scalecloth
- Marked on map with this color:
- Azoth Spring
- Marked on map with this color:
- Yields
- Azoth Water
- Azoth Water
Custom map filters showing only blueberry, cranberries, honey, potato, squash.
- Blueberry
- Marked on map as B
- Cranberries
- Marked on map as U
- Honey
- Marked on map as H
- Nuts
- Marked on map as N
- Potatoes
- Marked on map as P
- Squash
- Marked on map as Q
Custom map filters showing only saltpeter.
- Saltpeter
- Marked on map with this color
Magical Plants - gatherable at 30, tracked at 45.
Custom map filters showing only shockbulb, blightroot, earthspine, dragonglory, lifebloom, soulsprout, rivercress.
- Shockbulb
- Marked on map as A
- Yields
- Air Mote
- Air Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Shockbulb Steam
- Shockbulb Leaf
- Shockbulb Flower
- Shockbulb Steam
- Blightroot
- Marked on map as D
- Yields
- Death Mote
- Death Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Blightroot Stem
- Blightroot Leaf
- Blightroot Flower
- Blightroot Stem
- Earthspine
- Marked on map as E
- Yields
- Earth Mote
- Earth Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Earthspine Stem
- Earthspine Leaf
- Earthspine Flower
- Sliver, Shard, Chunk of Enchanted Earth
- Earthspine Stem
- Dragonglory
- Marked on map as F
- Yields
- Fire Mote
- Fire Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Dragonglory Stem
- Dragonglory Leaf
- Dragonglory Flower
- Dragonglory Stem
- Lifebloom
- Marked on map as L
- Yields
- Life Mote
- Life Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Lifebloom Stem
- Lifebloom Leaf
- Lifebloom Flower
- Lifebloom Stem
- Soulsprout
- Marked on map as S
- Yields
- Soul Mote
- Soul Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Soulsprout Stem
- Soulsprout Leaf
- Soulsprout Flower
- Soulsprout Stem
- Rivercress
- Marked on map as W
- Yields
- Water Mote
- Water Mote
- Low chance to get the following:
- Rivercress Stem
- Rivercress Leaf
- Rivercress Flower
- Rivercress Stem
Magical Creatures - tracked at 175.
Custom map filters showing only blightmoth, soulwyrm, floating spinefish.
- Blightmoth
- Marked on map as D with a outer glow
- Yields
- Death Mote
Low chance to get the following:
- Blightmoth Dust
- Blightmoth Dust
- Marked on map as D with a outer glow
- Soulwyrm
- Marked on map as S with a light orange outer glow
- Yields
- Soul Mote
Low chance to get the following:
- Soulwyrm Tongue
- Soulwyrm Tongue
- Floating Spinefish
- Marked on map as W with a light orange outer glow
- Yields
- Water Mote
Low chance to get the following:
- Spinefish Fins
- Marked on map as W with a light orange outer glow
Dyes - marked on the map as X
- Black Prismabloom
- Can only be found in Brightwood in many different areas, we will be adding markers on this in the future.
- Can only be found in Brightwood in many different areas, we will be adding markers on this in the future.
- Slimy Twistcap
- Can be found many different areas in Brightwood, we will be adding markers on this in the future.
Wild Life - can be found around landmarks, and in the plain biome areas
- Elf Bull
- Level 16
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Spotted Hair
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Some can be found just south of settlement near main road
- Wolf
- Level 28
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Aria - Looks like a rabbit
- Harvest-able for rawhide and red meat
- Some can be found at Sinanovic Farm
- Turkey
- Harvest-able for eggs, poultry and feathers
- Bronze Bear
- Harvest-able for thick hide and red meat
- Near Orphan Cave
- Onyx Bear
- Harvest-able for thick hide and red meat
- Black Bear
- Harvest-able for thick hide and red meat
- Elite Black Bear
- Level 34
- Has Skull
- Harvest-able for thick hide and red meat
- Gren
- Level 35
- Elite / High HP
- Looks like a Black Bear
- ?
Provisions in this territory have the chance for the following cooking ingredients:
- Apple
- Milk
- Salt
- Yeast
does anyone know when new world server transfers are going to get fixed i have been bugged for three days now and keep refreshing newworldmmo.com and nothing